Technologies that make our lives easier

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The world does not stand still, and every day more and more cool technologies are being created that perfectly simplify our life.

And CGI car photography is no exception.  To begin with, CGIs are images that are made using computer graphics.  They can be static and movable, two-dimensional and three-dimensional – although the term CGI itself is used most often for the latter.  In our case, this is a display of a car model using graphics.  This technology is already being used by many leading car brands.  Since this is really a great chance to get HDR EXR.

Now, to create cool City background HDRI, they began to use another technology.  This will require Automotive backplates.  This is especially suitable for those who love to travel.  This is now a great opportunity to create cool and unique HDRs.

What is HDR?

What is HDR
Image by 453169 from Pixabay

To begin with, it makes light colors even lighter and dark colors darker.  HDR increases the color range and maximum contrast for deeper and more saturated images.  Standard colors – red, blue and green – get additional hues and their combinations, which directly affects the image quality.  It is important to know that increased brightness and expressiveness of the image is not a prerequisite for the HDR process.  The term HDR applies to all images in which the tonal range is matched to the maximum.  The original goal of HDR photography is to look at the world around you in a fantastic way, while staying in a balance between light and shadow.

This is a great chance to see the small details of some interesting places in photos, for example Domes.

And now, thanks to new technologies, you can get HDR domes that will delight you with their quality.

So now is the time to start using cool new technologies and make your life easier.

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How to choose a cool car?

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New wheels for a car

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