Do you need an electric scooter?

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An electric scooter is a good thing and even sometimes necessary and useful. But before deciding to buy it, it is advisable to answer this question – do you really need it?

To answer it, you need to take a closer look at the points where you can use an electric scooter and its advantages.

For what purposes can an electric scooter be used?

There are many situations when it is better to use an electric scooter.

For example, for daily life, avoiding traffic jams and crowding on public transport. In addition, you do not need to spend time searching for a free parking space, and possibly money.

a girl in a white helmet on a red electric scooter
Photo by G-FORCE Bike on Unsplash

The car is good for long distances. However, if you need to get to the gym for training or to the store for shopping, which are located near your home, then why not take a ride on an electric scooter.

People who have undergone a serious operation or injury and who find it difficult to move on foot can use an electric scooter for walking during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages include:

  •  Independence from other modes of transport. You can pull an electric scooter out of your house or garage at any time and make a trip to the distance that will allow you to drive the capacity of its battery.
  • Cost savings.
  • Maneuverability and cross-country ability. On a scooter, you can go around any traffic jam and drive where it is impossible to do it on any other type of transport.
  • Environmental friendliness. This vehicle does not emit any harmful substances and, therefore, does not pollute the atmosphere.
  • Management availability.
girl on electric scooter
Photo by pony on Unsplash

The disadvantages are that in bad weather on a scooter you do not want to ride, although the technical characteristics allow.

The distance to which you can go by scooter is much less than the distance to which you can go by car. This means that the scooter is not designed for long trips.

Despite the disadvantages, an electric scooter can also be considered a convenient means of transportation, so it’s up to you to decide whether you need it or not.

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